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The FalcoSpan series offers great flexibility when providing an uncomplicated canopy, walkway or weather shelter. An exceptionally attractive and open walkway, very simple construction and great aesthetics.

Useful for smoking shelters, walkways, canopies, cycle shelters and general waiting areas, the FalcoSpan can cover every option.

The cantilevered design is topped with a robust roof section which contains integral gutters enabling waste water to be discharged at ground level via the supporting uprights.

In two standard depths – 1,690mm and 2,220mm – the FalcoSpan is available in five different widths providing huge flexibility:
- 2,220mm
- 3,280mm
- 4,340mm
- 4,870mm
- 5,400mm

The standard roof sheets are in aluzinc corrugated metal, but other options are available if you require something to let the light in.

Odnośnik 1. - tytuł: Kolory
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