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A useful combination is to create a cycle compound with cycle parking each side by placing two FalcoLite’s facing each other. Compounds have the advantage of providing wide coverage whilst retaining maximum visibility. By providing an optional walkway cover down the middle or panels at each end it is possible to produce a fully enclosed area - a dedicated and secure weather shelter.

Additionally by combining a FalcoLite double with the combi, it is possible to create a truly impressive design led solution for any use.

Length: 3000 mm
Depth: 3460 mm
Height: 2100 mm
Head heigth: 1867 mm

Plik 1. - tytuł: Rysunki - PDF
Plik 2. - tytuł: Rysunek - DWFX
Odnośnik 1. - tytuł: Kolory
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